
Sunday, September 25, 2011

English LanguageTeaching (ELT)Issues and Challanges in Nepal

English has grown as a global language.It has been used extensively and science ,technology,commerce,and international relation.
In Nepal, ELT, to glance to it's history,started when then Rana prime-sinter established durbar high school at Dakhchowk,Thapathali .At that time, he had invited two English teachers to handle the school and the curriculum design.Since then,though there were no strong government policy documents regarding teaching of English.The school level curriculum includes English as a subject.It has been taught as a compulsory subject in the schools starting from grad one.The scenario seems to be different in private schools and public schools.In private school, which constitute a huge part of school level education,teach through English.i.e  English is used as a medium of instruction.
Similarly,English language teaching has grown as a big industry and a profession.It has been an academic discipline as it has become a vocation for some people.The English Language institutes are mush rooming every next moment.There is no exact data to exhibit concretely the condition of English Teaching Nepal though  a survey carried out in 1984A.D by Allen Davis and other provides  a brief glimpse of that time.As the profession is expending,new challenges  are emerging in Nepal,it is taught as a foreign language.For several reasons EFL instruction often does not accomplish its objectives and leaves students without an adquate level of proficiency in English.The major share of English language teaching in the world each in the hands of non-native speaker teaches and Nepal is also not an exception.Of  course,the major issue is the EFL environment it self because there is an overall lack of English speakers for students to interact with.The major challenges of ELT  in Nepal can be point out these points.One of them is large classes,mixed-ability classes,low payment for teachers \,untrained English teacher,Insufficient time for instruction,lack of researches and materials,cultural diversity,linguistic diversity,Globalization in Nepal.The classroom from the the school level to the university level are extremely crowed in such a way that some students even do not get the seats.If there is no good sound management provisions and the teacher has to take every responsibility to manage the classroom.His-her voice is hardly heard at the back.It is very difficult for the teacher to handle the classroom activities.In almost every classes,The number of students is at least more than 50.The students in the class are the different achievement and proficiency levels.Some can speak English and some can not.At the same time language teaching is more challenging.It is not the content,the methodology is more important.The teachers get high stress but are paid low salaries.There are no any further incentives for language teacher.English language teacher teaching at both private and public school are not provided which the tanning according to the changes  in the methodologies.In the private school, a few teacher are trained.The teacher who are trained through NCED tanning pro-grammes are not encouraged to fallow the methodology and if they wish to use so,they don't have sufficient researches and materials.Language teaching required an extensive amount of time,but the time provided for instruction not sufficient.The classroom are under the equipped.Most of the school do not even have listening materials like cassettes,CD player etc. Even they have , the teacher do not have opiated knowledge to use the technology.The cultural and linguistic diversity  of Nepal is another great challenge for English language teaching.The roles and status  of the teacher and  students are perceived differently in different culture in Nepalese culture there is define distance between teachers and students which may function as a barrier for teachers  to be very frank and friendly in the classroom.Students do not easily want to participate in the interaction.Similarly Nepal is country of linguistic diversity.Some language conservationists are still advocating against expansion of English since.They think that English has created linguistic imperialism and is keeling other indigenous languages.For them, the extinction the other vernacular languages due to the inclination of people towards English,The lingustic identities have been lost due to English.Therefore,maintaining a balance between English and other Languages is one of the big challenges of the English language Teaching.A co-existence is necessary to provide Justice all the Language groups in Nepal.The globalization has  brought English to all the corners of the world and there are other languages entering in to the world economy and trade mechanisms which may be the threats for English.For example,there is expansion of chines , Hindi,and so on around the world market for global economy and knowledge economy.Whatever the reason is,the condition or status of English language teaching in Nepal is still growing.No sphere of social and academic life in Nepal is untouched by English but the great challenge is to maintain this condition for the future.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The elements of language(English)

 Language(English) is a system of communication in speech and writing which is used by people of a particular place or country. It is a means of communications through which we can communicate our ideas feelings,emotions,desire,through and so on.Human beings have a unique place in the universe due to the possession of language.Linguists have define the term language differently but the ideas to be understood are the same.we can say that language is a system of system.The combination of different units makes a language meaningful.Putting is another way,different elements are combined together to make a language meaningful.Language elements,hear,refer to pronunciation and spelling,vocabulary,grammar,communicative function. These language elements are shortly described below.
A) pronunciation and spelling:Pronunciation and spelling are very important elements of English(language).Pronunciation refers to the spoken  shape  0f language and spelling refers to the written shape of language.Simply speaking,pronunciation refers to the pronunciation of words and spelling also refers to the spelling of words.But pronunciation includes the pronunciation of segmental sounds and the pronunciation of supra  segmental  / features like stress,intonation,pitch and length.The two sub branches of linguistic- phonetics and phonology -deal with pronunciation.Phonetics deals with physical properties ofall the human sounds and phonology deals with sounds system of particular language.Phonetics and phonology provide information about supra.Segmental features which are significant to bring change in meaning.For example,stress,intonation,length,pitch etc. are very important in English,which can change the meaning of utterance.Similarly,spelling also plays very important role to teach English language.Without spelling the existence of correct language is almost impossible.English has special spelling system.There is not one to one correspondence between the letters and sounds.A sound may in English spelling be represented by different letters in different words.Two sounds may in different words be represented by the same letter.A single sounds may be represented by a sequence  of two letters or two sounds may be represented by a single letter.
b)Vocabulary: Vocabulary is one of the building blocks of language(English).We can also say that vocabularies are vital organs and the flesh to manipulate the structure and convey the message.If we analyze the meaning of different words ,we can find different casess: Different words have different meanings(books,cat,dog etc),two different words may have same meanings(Father,daddy)and the same words may have different meanings(the leaf is green.he is green today.).It is ,therefore,very difficult to find out the meanings of words.He should have knowledge and information to play with words.There ma also be twisting and  stretching of words.For example - i have a chair a meeting 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Different times different methods

Many TEL experts have contributed a lot and introduced different methods of teaching one after another.There has been continual debate about how to describe teaching learning process and which one is the best one.The history of debate is as long as the history of language teaching. Much current practice is the direct result of such constructive argument.It is very clear that different methods have been introduced and used in different times.
  The GT (Grammar translation )method is the oldest method emerged during the classical period to teach the classical languages such as Latin,Greek and Sanskrit.This was probably the most commonly used way of learning English and other also for hundreds of year.Practitioners thought that by analyzing the Grammar and by finding equivalents between the students 'language and language to be studied,the students will learn how the foreign language(English) is constructed. learning language was viewed as memorizing the rules and facts in order to understand and manipulate morphology and syntax of the foreign language learning a second language was to learn to its Grammar to attain the value of the literacy texts.
 But after a long time some otherTEL experts criticized this method .They argued that the GT method stops the students from getting the kind of natural language input that will help them acquire language and students do not get opportunity to use the language in real context and danger with GT method is that it teaches people  about the language and does not really help them to learn the language itself.Then they introduced the direct method.
The direct method emerged  as the reaction against the GT method in the late 19th century.They believed that a language could be taught by using it actively  in the classroom.Direct and spontaneous use of language in the classroom is better than the traditional method of Grammar teaching.Learners would be able to induce Grammar on the basis of language use spontaneously.But this method also had it's own pros and cons.Therefore this method was also criticized and other new method named audio-lingual method was introduced.This was the name given to a language teaching methodology based heavily on  behaviorist  theories of learning.These theories suggested that much language(English) is the result of habit formation thorough conditioning.As a result of this,audio-lingual class concentrated on long drill repetition stages in which the teacher hope that the students would acquire good language habits.
Audio-lingual ism went out of fashion because commentators from all sides argued that language learning was far more subtle than just the formation of habits.After this also LET experts introduced different new methods.They introduced tasked based learning method where the emphasis is on the tasks rather than the language*ENGLISH  ] this was based on the principle of learning by doing.Similarly they  introduced communicative language teaching method which focused on language use ,the communicative aspects of the language.It was thought that if the students get enough and opportunities for language use and if they are motivated -then language learning will take care of itself.It reminded teachers that people learn language not so that they know them but so that can communicate.Similarly, some  other LET experts have also introduced different methods like community,language learning total physical response.  Desuggestopedia etc.
 Above arguments and examples prof that LET experts have been decorously contributing to introduced a new and effective teaching method. It seems as if they are going through a cut throat competition.As a result, various kind of new methods of teaching are introduced .There has been much progress in the field of language teaching .(English).

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Audio-lingual method

This method was developed  in the united states during world war Ii.At that time there was a need  for people to learn foreign languages rapidly for military purposes.During the second world,American government  needed the personnel who were fluent in foreign languages such as German,French,Italian,Chinese  and others then in 1942, the Army specialized training program was established . Fifty five American university were involved in the program.The objective of the program was for students to attain conversational proficiency in a variety of foreign language.For this,they need new approaches of language teaching linguists such as Leonard broom field had already developed  a training program as part of their linguistic research that were designed to give linguists and anthropologists mastery of American Indian language and other languages they were studying.During  this period ,many linguists were teaching English as a foreign language.Many students also entered America for their higher studies.For this, they had to be trained in English . These factors resulted the emergence of the American  approach  to ESL (English as second language) which was known as Audio-lingual ism in the mid fifties.In 1939 the university of Michigan  had developed the first English language institute in foreign language and in teaching English as a second  or foreign language.Charles fries,director of the institute applied the principles of structural.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Uses of board

 Blackboard or white board is a most important teaching materials in field of the teaching.The teacher can draw some pictures immediately on the blackboard or white board.Pictures are very important aids to give concept.Sometimes bad drawing is better than no drawing. Blackboard drawing has more advantages then out side drawing and ready made picture as well. To make the drawing purposeful it should be very simple ,quick and need a little practice.
It is used for teaching structure ;different vocabulary and structure can be presented on the blackboard and the teacher can conduct pair work and group work activities for practice.It is used for practicing grammar,The teacher ma provide grammar structure and context then ask the students to do some of grammatical activities or exercise.Picture can also be drawn to each some portions  of grammar such as article,prepositions,comparative, and superlative degree of adjective and adverbs etc.It can be used for teaching language skill and playing games;blackboard can also be used to teach language skills and play language games.The teachers can write some instructions  of the language game on the blackboard and conduct the game.Students can also use it. to write something if necessary. Through the game they will practice listening ,speaking, reading, and writing  skills etc.

Monday, September 12, 2011

English in classroom

The reason for using English in the class are for communication in En English  in a  beginners class,gesture and tone of  voice are at first more important than the actual words or phrase used to hearing nothing but English spoken during their English lessons.They will very soon understand and later learn to say words.When students are learning the specific language items being taught in the lesson. Students will also be practicing unconsciously a number of language skills-learning how to listen,picking out key words and beginning to think in English for themselves. While doing so,they can reduce the amount of interference from their mother tongue (L=a,b) A class  taught English mainly in English.,will have learn t how  to listen to the flow of English  to infer points from in notation and stress .They will be familiar with using the language for two way communication- asking as well as answering questions also they will have extra practice in the structures they have been taught language.Language is much better learn t through real use than through pattern, drills and exercise to 'sum up' using English in an English class can broadly be categorized in two purpose.One of them is to conduct overall activities in English for English class and to avoid the use of local language by providing greater exposure to English.Generally Speaking. classroom English is the variety of English that teachers has to do a range of functions and organize activities, for the purpose, the teacher needs appropriate language in accordance with the classroom compositions, aims of the lesson,relevant materials functions of language,nature of tasks and organizations of the activities desirable to creating and English atmosphere.These will obviously come in a lesson .In order to manage all these segments of the lesson a teacher would use /her/ his English language as a medium of expressions. The same medium  of English phrase and expressions used in the class. by the teacher is teaches in the classroom. 
 It can be used in teaching the lesson the lesson itself.Introducing a lesson,giving examples,or text, asking questions giving explanations ,arguing, commenting , etc.It can also be used  for activities which 'surround' the lesson: checking the attendance , telling students where to sit,controlling the class, chatting to students, giving instructions etc.Therefore we can prof that English is in classroom and others places.

Multiple intelligence

The multiple theory of multiple intelligence may have a number of implementation in then field of language teaching, general teaching,training,presentation, and workshop etc. Some implication are we can describe.It provide knowledge to the teacher to pay equal attention on individuals show gifts in another intelligence rather than only on highly articulate or logical mathematical intelligence.It provides much reinforcements for the learner having other intelligence in school, for those who have these gifts but deprive of much reinforcement to enhance their intelligence.
It helps to solve the problem of many of those kids,end up being labeled ' learning Disabled ADD' ( Attention Deficit Disorder) or simply underachievers, when their unique ways  of thinking and learning aren't addressed by a heavily linguistic or logical- mathematical classroom.It suggest that teachers  should be trained to present their lessons in a wide variety of ways using music,co-operative learning,art activities,role,multimedia,field trips,inner
reflection and much more.
 it helps increase the opportunity to learn in harmonious ways with their unique minds.It has strong implication for adult learning and development as many adults find themselves in job that do not make optimal use of their most highly development intelligence(For examples, the highly bodily kinaesthetic individual who is stuck in a job where they could move around,such as recreational leader, a forest ranger, or physical therapist).It gives adults a whole new way to look at their lives;for examining potentialities that they left behind  in their child hood such as(love for art or drama) but now have the opportunity to develop through courses, hobbies,or other programmes of  self development.According to the Garnder'' multiple intelligence proposes a major transformation in the way our schools are run.It suggest that teachers be trained to present their lesson in a wide variety of ways using music cooperative learning,art activities, role play,multimedia,field trips,inner inflection and much more.The good news in that the theory of multiple intelligence has grabbed the attention of many educators around.The country and hundreds of schools are currently using it's philosophy to redesign the way it educates children.The bad news is that there thousands of schools still out there that teach in the same
old dull way through dry lectures, and boring worksheets and textbooks.The challenge is to get this information out to many more teachers,school administers and others who work with children,so that each has the opportunity to learn in harmonious ways with their unique minds''.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Instructional materials

PICTURES: pictures are other visual aids . They are mainly two types one is teachers made and ready made . Those prepared  by the teacher him/ herself  is teacher made and those which are already made and those which are already made by other are  ready made. Normally, matchstick  figures, drawings, pictures, flash cards are teachers made and  wall papers , posters ,photographs, magazine ,pictures can be used for varieties of purpose such as to teach language skills , language aspects,grammar and so on.
          They help  to create a good learning environment. The class will be lively and enjoyable by the help of pictures. Students will be motivated in the classroom activities and language skills will be developed by the help of them . Use of mother tongue may be reduce by the help of pictures poor hearing students can also get benefit them.
 Wall charts and posters
Wall charts and wall poster are street maps of a city showing roads,schools,colleges, hospitals,parks,lawn,public place, turning and so on . They are large diagrams display cards
. They are composite pictures and are very helpful to teach grammar, language skills- speaking, writing etc.

Realia:Realia is one of the most important visual aids. It refers to those real objectives which can be brought in to the class and used as visual aids for teaching learning purpose. the things like pen, exercise book, students book and others materials  found or brought in the classroom for teaching can be used as realia. it is the easiest kind of visual aids, as it doesn't need any kindsof presentation. But it possesses a power of providing clear gives concepts by the help of it's taste, size,colour,smell,weight,or other qualities.
flash cards?-A flash card is a piece of  card board or thick paper about 8O 6 inches(20*15  centimeters) on which a word , a phrase or a sentences is written in big letters'' . The alphabets , words, phrases , sentences and pictures on the flash cards should be visible from the back of the should make your writing and pictures attractive as well. You can make your flash cards with the help of your students or colleagues in your class or outside the class before the lesson begins.
     Flash cards are helpful to teach vocabulary, reading comprehension , language skills , and  structures and to stimulate choral reading effectively .They are use to help students read whole words,phrases or sentences without analyzing them in to syllables or letters. They are very useful materials as they can be hold up and flashed rapidly and also very easy to be prepare and stored.the size of them can be increased to make word letters,words phrases,sentences or pictures visible from the back of large class.simple drawing,colourful writing on flash-cardsclarifies the meanings and attract the attention of the students.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

language game

 Generally speaking ,' language game ' consists of words : language and   games . Here , language is a means of communication and game refers to systematic play.Therefore language game refers to play with language . Language games are organized activities which have the following characteristics :
1) They have a particular tasks or objectives.
2) They have a set of rules.
3) They create the felling of competitions among players.
4) They provide reinforcement to the learners for learning.

Having these characteristics ,language games are very useful to teach different aspects of language.students can learn more and better if they are involved in the activities.language game can range from simple word games to difficult cross words puzzles.They are equally important for lower to advance level students.Language games contain particular tasks and objectives.Teachers provide the students some important instruction about the rules and the tasks they are supposed to do.He/She will encourage them to take part actively in the classroom.
           Language games can help the students develop a habit of faster learning. They can help develop reading , writing ,spelling,and vocabulary power of the learners.To enhance these skills there are pronunciation games ,oral games,reading and writing games, spelling games etc.language games are useful to :
  bring varieties and interest in lesson.
increase the students understanding of language.
help the students to produce the new language.
remove boredom and  monotony.
make students free from the fixed text.
increase the students analytical and imaginative capacity.
develop co-operative and competitive feeling among learners.
encourage active  participation of the students .
improve listening and speaking skills.
     Very young  children find this game amusing.the teacher pretends to be a spider,curves her finger like tentacles,and puts on any angry expression.The children are flies , who may be eaten up if they do not answer correctly. Any simple question-answer patterns the children  know  can be practiced thus. For instance:' what is your name?' says Mr. spider. If the child answers correctly,Mr. spider pretends to be angry at having no breakfast.If there is no answer or an incorrect one , Mr. spider  pretends he has eaten up, rubs his mouth with his handkerchief and looks pleased and similarly with other questions.
          if possible,give the general idea of this before hand in mother tongue.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

components of lesson plan

A lesson plan consists of different components. They are can be described in terms of introductory and body parts.            
      Those objectives are the learning outcomes for the lesson that answer the questions. i.e what is the expectation of teaching the lesson plan? What behavior change you are expecting?What skill you want to develop? The out come should be specified and enlisted very clearly.All the objectives should change the behavior.It should be SMART which means- specific, measurable, attainable,Reliable, and                   time Bounded. Observable and measurable verbs such as:to pronounce , to reply,to explain, to write,etc.should be mentioned in specific objectives.  
      To meet the objectives of lesson, what materials you are using,enlist all of them as tool or source of teaching e.g any of the daily used materials( that include chalk, blackboard, cleaner, pictures,maps,display device (like flannel board,pocket chart, magnet,board etc., regalia ,cut-outs charts,posters, flash cards ,computers, internet, digital camera ,scanner film strips etc are used as technological sources of teaching. 
    It is the main part of lesson plan to fulfill the objectives of the lesson. it is procedural section ,it includes all the procedures you follow to motive and elicit them, to facilitate learning or monitor the learning process.It includes all the activities according of the lesson . It can be sub-divided in to different steps. 
 After teaching a lesson , a teacher needs to evaluate how much successful her lesson is . To find out the fulfillment  of the objectives