
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Different Method of Teaching

. a) Simple-response drill
 In this method students have to creat something.In this drill, the teacher provides a language pattern in the form of questions and students require giving a short response.The students have to understand the questions asked by the teacher and think of the appropriate answer immediately.It is a little more communicative drill in comparison to imiation drill because communicative meaning is taken account here.
 While cnducting this drill the teacher should ask very simple questions may be related to them,their family and classroom so that the students do not have to thinkm seriously about the subject matter because they are the most familiar matter for them.
For exmmple:
1)Teacher : what's your name?
   Students: my name is Tom.
    Teacher: where are you from?
    Students:I'm from new work city.
     (and so on)

2) Teacher : (holding a book  ) is it a book ?
   Student: Yes,it is.
   Teacher: (holding a pen) is it a pen?
   Students : Yes , it is.
   Teacher:(holding a bag)is it a bag?
    Students:Yes ,it is.
     {and so on}

   The teacher may  conduct this deill in way; in chrus, demi-chorus or individually according to needs.
b) Cue Drills    
             Drilling is one of the teacher-centered techniques based on the behaviourists' principle of language learning which wiews that language is a set of habits and language learning is habit formation. Habites are formed through continuous practice and repetition, there fore, only presentation of language is not sufficent for learning. It needs systematic practice of language pattern. This process of pattern practice is called drill.''Drills are supposed to train the learner to talk by helping him master the basic sttuctural patterns of language. Language habite is formed by the helping of drilling.The students some hints one by one to practice in the same form as that is iuntroduced. In this drill, certain word of the sentences is replaced by cue word or hint preserving the main structure. The main objective of it is to enable the students to handle the structure for several words.
d)pair Work
Pair works is a student- centred technique in which students can practise language together.They can study a text ,research language and take part in information gap activities in paurs. it is very use ful communicative actively as it dramatically the amount of speaking time, aiiows a students to work and interact independently with out hesitation.It helps to reduce Teacher  Talking Time(TTT) and to increase Students Talking Time (STT) during the lesson.
e) Group Work
   Like other teaching activities, group work is also a communicative actively likely to go well if it is carefully planned.every member involved in a group is intrested, active and thoughtful. it can help learning by providing an opportunity for learns to get exposure to language practice.It provides opportunity to learn language  items and language functions. it allows learner to develop fluency in new language, and also to learns the content .

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