Human being is gifted by the nature.Sometimes,there may be opportunity of learning other language. The environment, needs of individual, interest and other factors influence to learn more than one language.I n modern time, many people want to learn/ posses many languages, becoming bilingual or multilingual is the way of life.Human being struggle to reach to new way of thinking, living,new knowledge from different activities .It is the nature of human being .but the purpose of learning other language may be different. They learn other languages for many reasons. The attraction of learning other languages has been increasing now a days, English may be learnt because it is included in school curriculum; it is means of advancement, and source of learning about the t5arget language community. The purpose of learning of English may be for occupational or academic purpose. it may also be learnt to know bculture and so on.
People learn English as it is an international language. Many scientific discoveries, literature, innovations are recorded in English. most of the manufactures are also labelled in English.It has become the language of contact, trade and link. For this reason, English is learnt all over the world.Nepalese children learn English for many reasons as stated above. The first reason is that iut is included as a compulsory subject from Grade one to higher education.
People learn English as it is an international language. Many scientific discoveries, literature, innovations are recorded in English. most of the manufactures are also labelled in English.It has become the language of contact, trade and link. For this reason, English is learnt all over the world.Nepalese children learn English for many reasons as stated above. The first reason is that iut is included as a compulsory subject from Grade one to higher education.
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