
Monday, August 29, 2011

Language Learning and Teaching

   The  term of ' language' refers to gaining   knowledge or skills; experiences being taught. It means to become aware of something through information or observation or it is a process of realization, whereas, teaching is the way of giving instructions to someone or cause someone to know or be able to do something.
      Some  scholars have defined learning and teaching from past to present. Therefore , it's better to study those traditional definitions of learning as the starting point of the subject matter. A  search in contemporary dictionaries revels that language learning is , '' acquiring or getting knowledge of a subject of or a skill by study , experiences or institution   . Oxford advanced  learner's dictionary states  learning as ''knowledge   obtained by study.''  A more specialized definition by  Kimble
  and  Garment is learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice''.
     Similarly ,teaching is defined by search in contemporary dictionaries as ,'' showing  or   helping someone to   learn how to do something   giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.'' Teaching is  to cause to be able to do something.
    To put in short , learning is acquring is knowledge , retention of information or skills , and  a habit     information, wherease, language  learning   is acquring knowledge of language and information of language habit.  On the other learn, setting the conditions for learning language. The teacher should understand the learning nature of the learners while teaching. The philosophy of education, teaching, teaching style, approach, method and technique will determined the understanding of how the learner learns.
      We have discussed a little about learning and teaching in general. But here, our main concern is language learning and teaching. When we talk about language learning and teaching  we may raise some questions like- Are language learning and teaching  similar to other types of  learning and teaching? Can any one say how a learner learns language? these are genuine questions.  There are manly two different schools of tought to satisfy the answer of the questions in the field of language learning; Behaviourism and cognitivism. Still, it is very complex to define language learning. Behaviourism   and   collectivism. Still, it is very complex  to define language  learning. Behaviorists believe that language is  a form of behavior in much the same way other types of learning take place. Language learning means formations of the habits.   The model of  stimulus - response- reinforcement  account for  how a human baby learns a language. It believes that child's mind is ' tabula rasa' a blank sheet of paper . It means what someone wants to learn that is traced on it. It needs rigorous practice. On the other hand, positivism opposed  the behaviorists ' view in language learning on  the basic of  other model of language learning. It argues that language is not a form of behavior, on the contrary, it is an intricate rule- based system. Child's mind is not like a blank sheet of paper. It has one advance mechanism that is called language Acquisition Device. It is already there within the child. Therefore, language learning can be said as a peculiar phenomenon and almost unsolved mystery.

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