
Friday, August 12, 2011

Instructional Managment

  Instructional management is very important aspect of successful teaching and learning. It includes suitable classroom facilities such as furniture , teaching aids (i.e. blackboard, white board, graph board and so on.), (text books  supplementary  materials , classroom setting,teachers movement, and classroom interactions and so on.
    Beside these , instructional  management also deals with the procedure for grouping students for different types of activities.Preparation of lesson plan and their procedure , handling of equipments , creating conducive environment are also the important factors of instructional management. The major aspect of classroom management. may be the role of teachers is grouping students keeping in view the variables such as the inclusion of sex. Competence socio-cultural  background and so on. If the teachers have these knowledge skills of managing classrooms. They can learn many things from such classes .Even the must effective activities become worthless if they are not organized properly .
   Although there is the importance of classroom management for effective language teaching, from the study it has been found that ''the classroom setting of most of the government aided schools at primary  level of some remote parts of  many country is not suitable for beginners.The small crowded classroom with polished cemented chalk board attached on the front wall, each the principal teaching material.Teachers do not seem to be prepared for the lesson .There is a narrow space  left between blackboard and the first row benches which brings problem for the teachers movement.Similarly, space between two columns is found  very narrow as result, most of the teachers do not  try to conduct different activities to develop communicative compentence . Students have been found setting up separating the zones for boys and girls''.

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